Vito Eme is a Chilean-Swedish hiphop and reggaeton artist. He has performed in clubs around Europe and at big festivals, and in Chile he’s flexed his muscles at some of the biggest clubs, including El Huevo and Club Bucarest during his tour 07/08. He is independent and collaborates with artists worldwide. He is currently working on the next two singles to complete a trilogy as part of his solo project.
For more info or contact mail at: VITOEME@GMAIL.COM

måndag 12 juli 2010

Vito Eme @ Sermonstarr Blog (Chile)

Gracias a mi compadre "Sermonstarr"
por escribir de mi nuevo Single "Overdose Ft Eboi",
en su blog, ahora tambien se puede descargar por
el blog del.

Visiten el blog de "Sermonstarr" en:


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